Le Jeudi, 25 sep 2003, à 12:45 Europe/Zurich, Stefano Mazzocchi a écrit :
...I think that "contributed" and "experimental" are somewhat orthogonal, in fact, linotype can be considered both contributed and experimental....



contributed -> no broad community support

supported -> broad community support

deprecated -> community either moved onto something else or dropped the concept alltogether....

NOTE: a contributed block might find itself deprecated without never being supported. This is the full state/transition diagram:

             v                                            |
-(birth)-> [contributed] ----------(death)---------> [deprecated]
             |                                            ^
             +--(maturity)-> [supported] --(retirement)---+

+1, looks good!

the transitions that require community vote (majority) are:

 - maturity
 - retirement

the other transitions can be done by every committer in every project under control of the cocoon PMC and require only a "proposal" to be discussed on the cocono development mail list.

+1 as well.


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