On Thursday, Oct 9, 2003, at 17:15 Europe/Rome, Ryan Hoegg wrote:

Rather than have cocoon blocks extend avalon blocks, I think cocoon blocks could use avalon blocks.

Ok, I see your point.

Instead of having a /COB-INF and a /BLOCK-inf, perhaps we include avalon blocks in /COB-INF/lib and delegate their deployment to the avalon container. This could even allow cocoon blocks to provide avalon blocks to the container, as well as require them.

I would not know how to do this! I'm not scared by merlin, I'm scared about the million little details that cocoon assumes on top of ECM and that are now considered deprecated by the "modern" containers.

if Fortress was there, admittedly, things would be easier... but then again, lots of talks, but nobody is able, wants or has time/energy/braveness to do the migration.

It may help to distinguish between different types of dependencies:
1. Block dependency. As described in http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=BlocksDefinition and specified in http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=BlocksWiring . What we (I think) have been talking about in several threads.
2a. Avalon dependency by block. This would be some avalon service/component that is required by the block, and would be explicitly declared. An example might be a Transformer or the Flow engine.
2b. Avalon dependency by avalon block/component/service. This would be some avalon service that is required by an avalon service or block that is included with the cocoon block. For example, I have a UserManager service that depends on a UserRepository service, which could be implemented by an OJBUserRepository. If the cocoon block included the UserManager block, it might ask the Parent Component Manager for a UserManager, and might be provided with the OJBUserRepository.

I fear the complexity of such a move.

2b is the situation in which I think we could leverage the work being done by the various avalon containers. We would not have to explicitly define transitive avalon dependencies, as the avalon container can infer those from the avalon block that we give to it.

True and what you describe is a sane and balanced proposal.

I just think that we should keep going with the design with have and with the use of the component model that we are used to and move on incrementally.

The machinery required to implement a component manager that is block-aware is very simple, probably a few lines on top of what we already have. even classloading should be trivial since dependencies are explicit.

but changing the way cocoon works in respect of component model, well, that's touching every single class!!! most of the cocoon developers are scared by this (me included), as this is the main reason why it didn't happen yet.

I'm willing to implement blocks, even if this means to rewrite some code that is already somewhere else. I might be wrong, but the implementation should be relatively easy (Sylvain and I discussed things in detail).

But moving from ECM to Fortress and from Fortress to Merlin for the entire cocoon component model? well, that scares the crap out of me in terms of number of lines of code to modify and potential bugs to introduce.

But if someone more knowledgble wants to do the transition, I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong and have cocoon move to a technology that is supported actively and not considered obsolete by the community around it.

Note, also, that your proposal is orthogonal to the implementation of cocoon blocks: today we use ECM and we keep use the same approach for java components provided by the cocoon blocks.

if in the future we change to a different java component model, we change it everywhere, including blocks.

if the migration is painless for cocoon own components (as it should be), it will be for blocks too.

the two things are, IMO, independent and can happen at different times.


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