On Friday, Oct 10, 2003, at 10:44 Europe/Rome, Ryan Hoegg wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

On Friday, Oct 10, 2003, at 09:44 Europe/Rome, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

I'm more and more thinking that we should do one thing after the other:
first creating our blocks and than moving to fortress or merlin.
Or the other way round, if someone things that it makes more sense.
But we should avoid doing both at the same time.


In that case, is it possible to incrementally develop the blocks in the 2.1 repository while Berin works on the container in the soon-to-be 2.2 repository?

Potentially possible, but I wouldn't do it, we need to be able to keep the 2.1 tree clean.

Berin, how long would you think it would take you to do the migration? do you have a list of things that worry you most?

BTW, why can't we do the migration *after* we implement the blocks?

I mean, we have a system that works and a design that improves. cocoon needs block far more than it needs a migration to a more modern avalon container.


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