Hi Stefano,

> >
> > For example, unique IDs cannot start with a number, but all examples
> > of IDs
> > have been strictly numerical. Also the date below:
> >
> > http://host/path/id!date 031015
> >
> > does not conform to ISO 8601.
> hmmm, http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html, says
> <quote>
> part from the recommended primary standard notation YYYY-MM-DD, ISO
> 8601 also specifies a number of alternative formats for use in
> applications with special requirements. All of these alternatives can
> easily and automatically be distinguished from each other:
> The hyphens can be omitted if compactness of the representation is more
> important than human readability, for example as in
> 19950204
> </quote>

I did not read that deep... just followed the spec

So, I just tried to validate:

<abc date="20000129"/>


<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
  <xs:element name="abc">
      <xs:attribute name="date" type="xs:date"/>

The instance did not validate. So perhaps the validators are not following
the ISO standard strictly?

> > Am I just being to nit-picky or is this something that simply has no
> > value
> > here?
> but I agree: if we can, reusing datatypes from other standards is a
> good thing 


> (might well give us code to reuse for parsing already
> implemented in other projects!)

Yea! :)


> --
> Stefano.

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