Jeremy Quinn wrote:
> On 19 Nov 2003, at 18:37, Upayavira wrote:
> > Jeremy,
> >
> > Splendid article. Stuff I've been thinking about a lot recently too.
> >
> > Just one useful quote from the Ant manual:
> >
> > <property environment="env"/>
> > <echo message="Number of Processors = 
> > <echo message="ANT_HOME is set to = ${env.ANT_HOME}"/>
> >
> > With this, you can get at ${env.COCOON_HOME}, etc.
> Thanks Upayavira
> Did you read the bit earlier about the scheme having a flaw 
> because of no variable substitution in the <xmap> tag's attributes?

What I do is that I copy the xmap patch file to a temporary build
directory using filtering to substitute the variables and then run the
xpatch task with it.


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