Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> >No problem, that was not the difficult part - I had more problems with
> >the publishing process itself:

I presume that you know about

Agreed, the process could be easier. Thank your lucky stars that
you were not struggling with Cocoon docs a couple of years ago.

> >  1) complete build of Cocoon including documentation
> >  2) use forrest to generate 'real' documentation
> "build docs" does these two items.
> >  3) then I used 'forrest run' and and XML editor to edit/create
> >     my docs (it took me very long until I found out *where* I
> >     can edit my docs)

Sorry. The cvs head version of Forrest is leaving source and skins
in-place and not copying them around. (But Cocoon is using 0.5 ATM.)

> >     BTW: an XML editor is the *worst* thing to edit content at all ...

Why do you say that? We should fix it then.

> >  4) then I had to copy the changed docs *manually* back into
> >     the Cocoon docs to check them in

Yes, see answer to 3). In Forrest-0.5 there is the 'forrest backcopy'
target for that.

> >  5) then I had to generate the 'site' and copy them *manually*
> >     into cocoon-site
> "build docs" does (5) too.
> >  6) then I checked in cocoon-2.1
> >  7) then I checked in cocoon-site

Cannot be avoided.

> >  8) then I updated our website using the CVS client on
> Yes, these are manual steps.

Some projects have a cron job to do that automatically,
say every 12 hours.


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