On 03.12.2003 13:54, Unico Hommes wrote:

I am thinking JDO. What's the reason for this?

Never mind I found it. This one seems unavoidable. Still I don't like the fact that it is excluded by default. It means that I need to edit the blocks.properties in order to include ojb block. I think we need a way to overide excludes (by explicit includes in local.blocks.properties)


I'm not that familiar with Java or the Avalon lifecycles, but here is my analysis from http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=FirstFridayDecember2003:

Make it possible to include also the OJB block by default without breaking Cocoon. This is a really important issue as it breaks our suggested build system workflow using local.blocks.properties! You can not include blocks when they are excluded in blocks.properties.

AFAIU the reason for the problem is factory = new OjbStorePMF(); in the initialize() method in JdoPMFImpl.java. Isn't it possible to do lazy initializing when accessing factory the first time? I guess this has to be done in getPersistenceManager().

Is the lazy initializing doable?


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