
> >i haven't tested the ant stuff right now,
> >but i use the CocoonBean for launching Cocoon from some GUI,
> >the GUI enables editing a cli.xconf file, and CocoonBean is launched
> >>from the GUI.
> >
> Is it public or closed source? I'd like to see it.
It will be public, not determined the exact license, yet, probably apache
I can make a zip, and send it.


> >
> >Just one problem has popped up:
> >using an URI like 'index.html?locale=en'
> >CocoonBean goes into a loop trying to process
> >'index.html?locale=en&locale=en....'
> >  
> >
> Have you tried running the bean in an IDE? You should be able to follow 
> the code through, particularly the Crawler class. Have a go and report 
> back. The bean does do some things with parameters (e.g. to ensure that 
> index.html?a=1&b=2 and index.html?b=2&a=1 are considered the same 
> resource). But all of the parameter handling code predates my 
> involvement with it, so I am not that familiar with how it works.
I debugged, and found the problem in Target.java:
        // Fix relative links starting with "?"
        if (linkURI.startsWith("?")) {
            //linkURI = this.getPageURI() + linkURI;
            linkURI = this.getDeparameterizedSourceURI() + linkURI;
I'd like to commit the patch, and a TargetTest, too.
Moreover the linkURI starting with "?" is handled specially,
shouldn't we handle the "#" case in a similiar way.

regards bernhard

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