-----Mensagem original-----
De: Stefano Mazzocchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Cocoon and Avalon worked together for a long time and several mistakes 
> were made in Avalon due to Cocoon pressure (ComponentSelectors, for 
> example).

Aha! So finally we have found the guilty guys.

> The idea of having one container to rule them all is nice on paper, 
> impossible in real life.

Believe me, I feel the pain. I believe in one container, yes, since it is
based on a microkernel where facilities were plugged in and out - and all
those fancy features could be plugged off for serious people working on
serious projects.

> But don't worry, this is nothing carved in stone, this is just our 
> proposal... having it inside the community makes it possible for us to 
> converge toward something that will make everybody happy.

That's exactly what wasn't happening in avalon-land. But I'm sure this is
not how things are going around here... hence my envy :-)


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