Leszek Gawron wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 12:59:10PM +0200, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> > > - when one gets 2 continuation ids and chooses one basing on some 
> > > external
> > >   info
> > Can you give an example, when you need this? - Just curious.
> Me ? Nowhere - that was just a rough example .. 
Who else if not you :)

> > 
> > > - when one wants to do something for each continuation 
> resumed (for 
> > > example
> > >   set "Cache-control" header).
> > Can you expand a little bit more on this?
> If you use IE (I do not know how other browsers handle this) 
> if you serve a page without client cache turned off you make 
> a security hole (IE caches everything and serves even after 
> user has logged out).
> See the code attached below. The "main" method marks all 
> function, continuation and view requests not cacheable. What 
> I request is the proper handling of code in runContinuation fuction.
> > > For all above examples you have to code logic in sitemap. I think 
> > > this is not as elegant as if you could have whole logic in a 
> > > flowscript
> > > 
> > At the current state of this discussion I would say, let's not add 
> > this feature to flow. If you want to do such things, write 
> some custom 
> > components (input modules, actions etc.) and use them at 
> appropriate 
> > places. But perhaps with some more info, I see things in different 
> > light.
> If you write actions you split your logic into 2 areas: 
> actions and flow.
That's true, but that are imho two different concerns: the page flow and
the "continuation handling".

Now, perhaps someone else can help here a little bit. I discusses the
contination handling in flow with Ovidiu a little bit during the last
ApacheCon and I think he mentioned that it's very easy to extend
the current handling by defining an own component (extending the 
existing one).
Using this approach, you can e.g. store the cont id in a cookie or
somewhere else, or you can do checks if the continuation is still
ok and perhaps also do your client cache handling. You do this once,
in this central component and never have to touch all your flow
based applications. They simply work the way you expect them to work.
(I hope, I'm not wrong with this approach...)


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