I want to create a migration path away from avalon.

I propose to have a sandbox so that people know that somehow they should be thinking about migration. It's sort of a framework deprecation signal.

The idea is that we'll start with a sandbox, then people realize that blocks give them better functionality, so they make an effort to pay the "migration cost" because of the additional functionality.

This will take a while, potentially years, and after that period, we can remove the sandbox, unlocking ourselves from avalon.

On the other hand, Carsten, what you are proposing locks us forever connected to a particular years-old version of avalon that might be soon deprecated by its own project.

Would the need to modify/update avalon framework emerge, we would be required to change it, this will create a fork.

I remain against having the core of the cocoon kernel depend on anything in the org.apache.avalon.* namespace: it might save us problems in the present, but open a can of worms in the future.


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