Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> I want to create a migration path away from avalon.
> I propose to have a sandbox so that people know that somehow 
> they should be thinking about migration. It's sort of a 
> framework deprecation signal.
> The idea is that we'll start with a sandbox, then people 
> realize that blocks give them better functionality, so they 
> make an effort to pay the "migration cost" because of the 
> additional functionality.
> This will take a while, potentially years, and after that 
> period, we can remove the sandbox, unlocking ourselves from avalon.
> On the other hand, Carsten, what you are proposing locks us 
> forever connected to a particular years-old version of avalon 
> that might be soon deprecated by its own project.
No, no, perhaps my explanations are not good - I don't know.

All I'm still trying to say is, that I would like support for
the avalon lifecycle interfaces. So, precisly, I want to have
support for:
LogEnabled, Contextualizable, Configurable, Parameterizable,
Serviceable, Intializable, Startable, Disposable, ThreadSafe
and Poolable. Nothing more.

I'm not against defining new interfaces - as long as we still
support the old ones. And I'm not against in loosing *some*
functionality if I'm using those interfaces from above.
Most of them are simple to support. The only one might be 

> Would the need to modify/update avalon framework emerge, we 
> would be required to change it, this will create a fork.
There is no need to modify/update the avalon framework. We can
do our own thing but just support the old interfaces listed

So, I just want some kind of "legacy support".


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