> >Ok, this is all true - but considering performance it's imho neglectable
> >even if you consider that heavy xml parsing and stylesheet transformations
> >happen at the same time.
> >
> >
> Maybe ;-)
> I'll try to come up with real numbers soon!
> Sylvain


Although there is some overhead in the way log4j does its lookup, you
should discover that the overhead is in the nano-second range.

Thus, for many applications the difference should be so small as to be
unmeasurable. However, there are situations where the overhead makes a
difference. In particular, when the logging is done at the "OS" or
container level. We are aware of the problem. It will be addressed in
future versions of log4j.

In any case, I would be quite interested in the numbers you come up

-- Ceki Gülcü

For log4j documentation consider "The complete log4j manual"
ISBN: 2970036908 http://www.qos.ch/shop/products/clm_t.jsp

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