Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Tony Collen wrote:

Upayavira wrote:


I think I'd say simply that Cocoon operates as a 'do-ocracy'. He who does, chooses (usually!). It is widely accepted that something needs to happen on the docs. And really, what it is going to take is someone just getting on and doing it. I suspect that someone putting in the legwork would get a lot of support from the rest of us. That is the missing component, not the ideas. Are you offering? ;-)

Yeah, more or less ;)

What's current state of "doco"? Some time ago we agreed to migrate to it (once it's done ;-)

Sorry people, the doco architecture is still there, but there is no time from my side to do anything about it.

My personal suggestion would be to start considering Lenya for our own wiki-on-steroids.


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