Andreas Hartmann wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

I want to start the implementation of the virtual sitemap components
in the next weeks; but before, we should discuss how they will look like :)

The first point - and imho most important point is, of which components
a virtual sitemap component (VSC) can be assembled.
My understand is that a VSC is either:
- a generator followed by one or more transformers
- a set of transformers
- a set of transformers followed by a serializer
Thus, the VSC acts like a generator, a transformer or a serializer.

Sorry for cross-posting, but this could maybe address a concern
Lenya is faced with.

The scenario is as follows:

Lenya provides so-called "CMS screens". This is a simple transformation
to create the Lenya look-and-feel forms, error messages etc.

It is done using a meta stylesheet approach triggered by

  <map:transform src="cocoon://lenya-screen.xsl"/>

The problem is that we would like to add a i18n step to this
transformation, which would be quite difficult (if not impossible)
to implement using a meta stylesheet. We don't use a resource
because we need to access the transformation from a lot of sitemaps.

My question is: Could VSCs be declared in the sitemap? For instance:


  <map:serializier name="lenya-screen" type="virtual">
    <map:transform type="xslt" src="cocoon://lenya-screen.xsl"/>
    <map:transform type="i18n"/>
    <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>


Is this a possible scenario for the VSC concept?


I think an important questions is how to pass parameters to a VSC and
how to distribute them to the single components.

Passing parameters to a VSC is very similar to passing parameters to resources. There's however a special handling of the @src attribute that exists on generators and transformers, which does not exist on resources.


Definition (syntax and exact location still has to be defined):
<map:virtual-generator type="foo">
 <map:generate src="{src}"/>
 <map:act type="lang-select">
   <map:transform type="i18n"/>
 <map:transform type="xslt" src="stylesheets/{bar}.xsl/>

<map:generate type="foo" src="blah">
 <map:parameter name="bar" value="baz"/>


Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies 
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

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