"Carsten Ziegeler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I want to start the implementation of the virtual sitemap components
> in the next weeks; but before, we should discuss how they will look like :)
> The first point - and imho most important point is, of which components
> a virtual sitemap component (VSC) can be assembled.
> My understand is that a VSC is either:
> - a generator followed by one or more transformers
> - a set of transformers
> - a set of transformers followed by a serializer
> Thus, the VSC acts like a generator, a transformer or a serializer.


> There were some mentions in the past, that a VSC can contain any sitemap
> component, so even actions, matchers and selectors are allowed in
> the definition of the VSC.
> So, first question is: do we want this?
> (I would say: no)

I agree, that action should not be allowed. However 
browser dependant serialization would be the first
thing I would like to put into a virtual sitemap 
component, because its always the same and clutters
the sitemap. But it requires a selector.

How do virtual sitemap components mix with views?
Are labels allowed inside a VSC? I use labels 
a lot for debugging.


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