Nicola Ken Barozzi dijo:
> Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> ...
>> Result, I'm -1 on Spring because we can't control it and -0.5 on
>> Merlin/Fortress/Geronimo because they are other communities with other
>> interests.
> I agree but...
>> I say we write our stuff and be done with it once and forever.
> ... if he wants to try Spring, why stop him and others to _try_. It
> seems he can't be persuaded otherwise, and who knows, maybe he's right!

Yep. I greee. Lets do a try with Spring. If the result is not good, we
have not losed nothing.

I know Spring is a buzzword now, but a test drive is not bad. ;-)

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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