Pavel.Vrecion wrote:
> I know, that this subject is slightly off-topic for this mail list, but ...

No! It is right on topic, on either dev or user list.
Bear in mind that most devs also participate on the
user list. 

> I wrote a how-to document, which will be good (if you agree with me) to be
> published on Cocoon web pages (Documentation - HOW-TO section).
> I have not found any obvious way, how to post my small contribution.

Then we had better fix our main documentation, because you
should be able to easily find out how. More below ...

> Nevertheless I have spent full day on it, and I do not want
> to throw it out of my window(s) :-).
> Can anybody help me to get it on Cocoon pages? I am lost.
> Please..
> Pavel Vrecion
> Document and example application are attached

Gee, please don't send attachments to the mailing list.
Didn't we already discuss how to contribute.
(I hope that i don't come across as angry, because i am not.
These are constructive comments.)

If you find Bugzilla difficult, then please see
(Sorry, certain How-To documents should be at a higher level
of the website.)

There are many reasons for *not* sending attachments to the
mailing list. Here are some ...

* The contribution will often get lost in the volume of other
topics and mailing.

* Every cocoon dev does not want or need a copy of the attachments
in their local mail archives.

* The issue tracker, Bugzilla, reminds us of the many jobs that
we need to do.

Finally, of course, thanks for your contribution.

David Crossley

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