Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I've been a strong believer in 'internal innovation', which means to give room for people to experiment.

We have now migrated onto SVN, which unlike CVS, has a great deal of support for moving things around and merging different parts of the tree together.

My proposal is to create a private branch for every committer that wants it and place it in[id]

The reason for this is:

1) allow people to experiment in their own place
2) allow stuff to happen without giving the impression that it is a "fork" or that the status quo is in danger
3) give the feeling of some privacy

For example, I have a new version of linotype I'm working on that I would like to host there instead of my own CVS server.

And Ugo is playing with Butterfly, which should be there instead on "branches" alongside the "cocoon 2.1.6" branch!!


-1 for people-private places. They will refrain "non-owners" to dig in and eventually work with the owner, and can lead to code ownership islands and one man shows.

What we need is a "cocoon/experiments/[name]" branch where name is "schecoon", "linotype", "butterfly", etc.


Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies 
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

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