David Crossley wrote:


Upayavira wrote:

While we can start thinking about where to host, I think we've first got to clarify what we want to host. As yet, I've only as yet got a vague idea of what we want - "a machine to run Cocoon, possibly doing its docs". What does that actually mean? What would we install? How would we do docs? Is it pure Cocoon, or Forrest? If Forrest, what about Cocoon samples? Will we want additional mini webapps? What sort of things? Etc, etc, etc. I think we should get these things sorted before we mention anything to infrastructure, in order for our case to sound convincing.


I'd say: docs and samples and, in future, "administrative" webapps like e.g.
a form for link requests.
I'm not sure what you mean by "additional mini webapps", but I'd say
anything that would go in the "samples" section of Cocoon.

I reckon the Cocoon Samples, plus make the new Link Submission
part of that. That way developers can have that as a local app too.

Yup, that's the easy bit.

The docs aspect needs lots of consideration. If Cocoon wants to
continue using Forrest, then we would like help to implement
our plans for the Forrestbot and staging server for reviewing
docs prior to publication.

We had a huge discussion on this at infrastructure.at.a.o a few
months ago. That needs to be summarised and brought into the open.

I think this is the sort of thing I was referring to. If we can clarify what we have in mind, and get a number of us behind it, then I could see it as being possible.

But there's a lot to clarify/understand. Would you be willing to explain here what you had in mind for your Forrestbot setup? Presumably this setup would still use CVS/SVN as the versioning system for the actual xdoc files?

Regards, Upayavira

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