On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Upayavira wrote:

> Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> > Le 19 nov. 04, Γ  17:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a Γ©crit :
> >
> >> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> >>
> >>> Le 19 nov. 04, Ξ° 16:05, Upayavira a ΞΉcrit :
> >>>
> >>>> ...Thus, the site needs to be regenerated with Forrest, which, to
> >>>> date, I haven't done.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> You probably know this already: there are instructions at
> >>> http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/CocoonWebsiteUpdate
> >>
> >>
> >> the site is not moved to SVN?
> >> here the instructions are talking about CVS?
> >
> >
> > You're right, it's svn instead of cvs now. We need to update that page.
> I'll do that too, if I can get Forrest to work. Unfortunately the above 
> link doesn't entirely make sense.

i'm trying to build site all this time too
but i think that they are many issues that make this impossible .. i'll 
keep trying, and i'll reply here with a summary.


> Regards, Upayavira

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