Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Miles Elam wrote:


<friend jx:context="${people}" jx:test="${name != 'Mean Mike'}">${name}</friend>


Ok. My conclusion about this is twofold:
- taglibgs should be triggered by attributes and not only by elements,

It's ok with me. Question is how do we interprete the construction above. From commons sense we can infer that the test for the name should be performed for each person in th sequence of people. We could maybe infer the same thing by studying the input data structure. What if I want a double loop over two sets? Any ideas about how to implement it? What would jx:context and jx:people correspond to? If we just allow one "programatic" attribute per element, the code connected to it could be allowed to do whatever it want to when its parent element is called but its more complicated when there are several "programatic" attributes, how do we control their relative nesting.



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