Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Leszek Gawron wrote:

That's good. If noone objects I will start tomorrow and hopefully commit tomorrow.

I have not had time to evalute your proposal in detail, but from a first look it seem good, so please go ahead.

The syntax you proposed for invocation:

<jx:invoke macro="superPrettyPrintedTable"

has the problem that "headerTemplate" and so on only are defined in the macro definition. Which means that you can't use a schema for checking the template. I would suggest that you use the ordinary verobose

<jx:parameter name="foo" value="bar"/>
> syntax instead. So that it can work together with common XML tools, if
> people want to use such.

That would be good but looks like a bigger change while current macro call is done via
<macroName param1="value" param2="value"/>

so I would reuse the current logic. If you do not mind I'll commit my approach first and look for the way to achieve your syntax.

And in another mail:

It does not seem that much coding is needed. I could also strip all inner
classes from JXTG at the same time as the first step for JXTG refactoring.

I'm working on refactoring JXTG, and will commit as soon as I have something commitable. I would suggest that you focus on implementing the invoke stuff, if its ok with you, so that we avoid doing the same work twice.

You should also be aware of that refactoring is somewhat more complicated than just stripping out the inner classes, as they have all sort of interdependencies based on using global variable in the main class and using public variables from each other :/
I was able to strip 48 classes (almost all inner) removing all public variables and introducing getters. This was almost an identity transformation using eclipse so for 99% I haven't broken anything.

If you already have something I should not commit - maybe I would send you the source via email so you could use it if you wanted?

Leszek Gawron                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project Manager                                    MobileBox sp. z o.o.
+48 (61) 855 06 67                              http://www.mobilebox.pl
mobile: +48 (501) 720 812                       fax: +48 (61) 853 29 65

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