David Crossley wrote:
> I am working on this in cocoon-2_1_X branch.
> In tools/targets/docs-build.xml uncomment the 
> <sitemap-components> task at line 56 to also scan the blocks.
> Then run 'build javadocs'.
> Then run 'build docs'. This will also produce lists of all 
> possible sitemap components at 
> build/all-sitemap-components*.txt via the SitemapTask.
> Then follow tools/review-sitemap-docs/README.txt to run the 
> shell script correlate-table.sh which attempts to scan 
> javadocs and match with what we have manually identified as 
> being possible sitemap components.
It seems that my linux machine isn't working the way it should be
(perhaps it's already on holiday), so I can't even get Cocoon
build using unix right now. Can you provide the result of the


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