Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> I propose to remove the docs in trunk. I don't think they are syncronized 
> with 2.1 and IMO there is no reasons to have them twice. It's also a chance 
> to rewrite and restructure our documentation.

Careful. They are *not* synchronised. We will lose edits that people
have only made to the 2.2 docs and not made the same edits to the 2.1 docs.
Or the changes are prehaps only relevant to cocoon-2.2

I did a quick analysis ...

diff -rq cocoon/src/documentation cocoon-2_1_X/src/documentation \
| grep -v "\.svn" | wc -l
... only 47 files differ, so the job is not too big.

There are some docs only in 2.1 and no new docs
only in 2.2 trunk, so that aspect is fine.

diff -r -b -x "\.svn" \
cocoon/src/documentation cocoon-2_1_X/src/documentation \
> docs-diff.txt

The main differences ...
* Composable => Serviceable (2.2 has the changes)
* Some other document changes need sync, e.g. image-reader.xml

> At you find a list of all 
> documents in 2.1. Using this list we can move each document selectivly over 
> to trunk.
> If anybody objects I will remove the old docs in trunk on Sunday

See above.

> and set up the sekelton of new ones using Forrest 0.6.

The Cocoon build system needs some work to enable that.
There are issues with clashes of Ant target names, e.g. webapp
and variable names, e.g. $version.

Use the forrest_06_branch rather than the 0.6 release.
There are some changes to help with the above issue.
The other option is to use the current Forrest trunk.
... not sure what to recommend.

Anyway, i will commit my changes so far to get forrest-0.6
closer to working.


> One question to the Forrest specialists: What is a future-proof document 
> type that can be edited with a *common* WYSIWIG editor like the HTML editor 
> that comes with Mozilla and that works with Forrest 0.6?
> -- 
> Reinhard

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