oceatoon wrote:
Thanks Marco

this weird namespace issue is actually caused by a nested redefinition
of a prefix mapping; just look at what's before the <head> element in
the template.

Indeed <jx:import
seems to be the source of the bug... nice one

the imported file redefines the jx namespace within the <page> element that originally defines it.

You mean the definition
xmlns:jx="http://apache.org/cocoon/templates/jx/1.0"; being done more than
once is the cause to this... this is bizarre cause I use jx:import
uri="direct path not resource" in which I also define jx and I don't have
this. wouldn't it be linked with the fact it is a resource://... that is
imported ?

solution would be to have JXT track the template's namespace mappings
and eat duplicate ones from imported templates.

Is this a difficult hack or have you done this ? I haven't really touched any core generators (no need :-) but it's never to late

Thanks for the help
It shouldn't be that difficult to fix.

Should we track all namespace redefinitions?

Leszek Gawron                                                 MobileBox
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                              http://www.mobilebox.pl

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