Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Thank you.

[boy this was exhausting]

yes it was and maybe more dicussions will follow.

As both Stefano and I are involved in real blocks it seem unavoidable ;)

Although a friendlier discussion probably had been more efficient, we actually produced a lot of concretization and clarification of the involved concepts, so I think it lead us closer to the goal.

Daniel, some others and I are putting a lot of energy into making real blocks reality and its important that we _all_ follow the same vision (in the end). Berin summarized ( it very well why I'm sure that we will be successful and that we are close to the next step on Cocoon's ladder of evolution.

I agree that a common vision is central for our success. If we are lazy and just focused on keeping everything nice and cozy, the end result risk to be a commity product, a patch work of small individual visons whithout coherency. Such a thing will at most be mediocre.

We can compare Cocoon as a publishing framework which is based on one strong vision with Cocoon as a webapp framework where several different approaches coexists, whithout much integration and where we haven't pruned away abanoned paths. And as the different approaches are good at different things one often has to be knowledgable in all of them to build applications. Something that makes it unnecesarilly hard to learn developing Cocoon webapps and something that diffusses our effort as everything has to be supported.

As Stefano doesn't work fulltime at Cocoon anymore, the rest of us must take our reponsibilty and make shure that our individual ideas actually intgrates with others ideas and are benefical for Cocoon as a whole.

This means IMO that we have to spend time discussing things even if it in the short time horizont and for ones own goals whould have seemed more productive to just commit some code.


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