On Lun, 11 de Abril de 2005, 13:23, Daniel Fagerstrom dijo:
> Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
>> Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
>>> I have continued Vadim's and Sylvain's work and added a first,
>>> hopefully working version of virtual sitemap components (VPCs) to the
>>> trunk.
>> Awesome!!!
>> You (and Vadim) rock!
>> I'm a happy camper.
> Thanks :)
>>> Use
>>> ===
>>> To use VPCs one define them in the components section in the sitemap,
>>> e.g.:
>>>   <map:components>
>>>     <map:readers>
>>>       <map:reader name="virtual1"
>>> src="org.apache.cocoon.reading.VirtualPipelineReader">
>>>         <map:generate type="file" src="vpc-test.xml"/>
>>>         <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>>>       </map:reader>
>>>     </map:readers>
>> virtual readers? hmmmm, never thought of that one. What does that buy
>> you? I mean, it's not harmful to have it, but do you see any real use of
>> that?
> They have the same use as resources, but are exportable to subsitemaps
> or from blocks. Can't say that the name reader is that illuminating for
> more complicated behaviours, but they have the same semantics as
> readers. We could export resources instead but they are not considered
> as components so that would require a separate mechanism.

I like the idea of resources inherited in subsitemaps. If this is called
"virtual reader" or the actual name "<map:resources>". Is OK.

A question, why we cannot reuse current <map:resources> in subsitemaps?
Need we a new virtual reader? Perhaps is posible to have both.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

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