Luca Morandini wrote:

Jorg Heymans wrote:

What is your server-side image map supposed to do ?

Very simple stuff:
1) An user clicks on the image.
2) The form is sent to the server together with mouse coordinates.
3) The relevant action is called (mouse coordinates should be sent to the action somehow).

Hmm... I think this image-map widget should be a kind of action widget, since the form is sent to the server when widget is clicked upon.

You already have it :-)

Use an action with <styling type="image">. When the image is clicked, the action's event listeners are triggered, and you can read the click coordinates using the {action-name}.x and {action-name}.y request parameters.


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies  
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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