Hello all,

I apologise in advance for interrupting the thread and introducing possibly unnecessary noise. Please tell me to go away if you find this inappropriate.

For those of you who don't know who I am, I was the musician at GT2003. That doesn't entitle me to pester you like this, but I hope you will read on anyway.

I have some generic questions with regards to this Blocks/Maven2 thread, because I'm writing a report for JISC (jisc.ac.uk) that should inform public servants in education about the future of web frameworks (don't ask me why -I'm- writing it, they just point at random monkeys and say things like 'go write about the future').

Firstly, I'd like your thoughts on LEGO.

Once you star-studded geniuses (I'm serious!) have figured out Maven2-Blocks integration, how do you see the common user approaching the development of new webapp, considering they might not have a senior level of development experience? Could you illustrate your ideal use case scenario?

Is it perhaps whereby LowlyDeveloperN00b downloads Cocoon, reads the docs, gets pointed at 'Your first Webapp Tutorial', dances with Maven2, and sees the automagic construction of a skeleton webapp which illustrates best practice? How far do dependency injection issues get resolved for her? Can you see a relevant RubyOnRails comparison and might you adopt its practice? How? Do you see a point where they'll be able to put together semi-complex webapps in LEGO style?

Secondly, if you were to think much further ahead in the future, do you see agent-driven applications calling containers which might or might not call Cocoon components into a user's 'Webapp Building' tool? Does the work Stefano is carrying out at MIT (Simile, PiggyBank) make you think of emergent people processing, whereby people might be able to use Firefox to build web applications, by having the browser enquire RDF repositories for the right components and their dependencies?

If you read this far, I owe you a beer. Please get creative with your answers, comic-book style.

I'd like to have your wildest dreams for cocoon, even if all I get is 'I'd like cocoon to run my house' or 'shut the fuck up you piano playing barbarian'.


David Casal

David Plans Casal, Director of Research, Luminas Internet Applications
Tel:  +44 (0)870 741 6658       Fax:  +44 (0)700 598 1135
Web:    www.luminas.co.uk       Orixo alliance: http://www.orixo.com/

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