So let's switch Cocoon to Maven ;-)

I wish it was that simple. I looked at it a month or so ago. A royal
PITA. Unfortunately, I also think it is very necessary. We really need
to get the 3rd party jars out of our download.

I think we should start removing the links to the blocks from the "core"
and start building each block separately. Deployment of a block into
Cocoon is simple: adding the jars to the lib directory, adding the confs
to the conf directory and adding the webapp to a mounted directory. I
guess it's easy to write such a maven plugin.

I've talked to Brett a few days ago.
AFAIU the maven community would really
love to see us switch to maven2 ...and
help us as good as they can.

They don't have the resources to give
us hands-on support but maybe it would
be worthwhile discussion a migration plan
with them.

I think the first step would be to
explain how it works currently.


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