Pier Fumagalli wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >Ah i see now where my extra comments in msg18202 came from:
> >I refererred to an additional file called "copyright.txt"
> >which must have had extra restrictions. Don't know if
> >that is still the same today.
> The copyright.txt just states that it's (C) Sun and that it might  
> contain some of their patents... So, stating the obvious, but not  
> restrictions.

Oh, i hate to be a license spook, but ...

I see by the filenames at this commit that you got
the old version from

The new version is at http://msv.dev.java.net/

However either way, the copyright.txt is practically the same.

It says:
...This product is distributed under licenses
restricting its use, copying, distribution, and decompilation. No part
of this product may be reproduced in any form by any means without
prior written authorization of Sun and its licensors, if any.

Maybe it is the "if any" at the end that saves us :-)

Seriously, it does not look good.


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