Pier Fumagalli wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >>>
> >>>http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@cocoon.apache.org/msg18202.html
> >>
> >>Darn... I wish you found that when I posted the license before
> >>committing...
> >>
> >>http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@cocoon.apache.org/msg34406.html
> >
> >The License that Pier shows in msg34406 is not
> >the same one as was commented on in msg18202.
> >The main comments do not match, only the nuclear
> >thing still remains.
> As far as I can see I can't see any difference between the one that  
> was discussed in 2004 (the thread Antonio pointed out) and the one I  
> posted last week:
> Original 2k4 thread:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@cocoon.apache.org/msg18195.html
> My post:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@cocoon.apache.org/msg34406.html

Ah i see now where my extra comments in msg18202 came from:
I refererred to an additional file called "copyright.txt"
which must have had extra restrictions. Don't know if
that is still the same today.

Anyway, legal-discuss@ is the place to take it and if
it gets complex then Cliff will probably pick up the
issue from there.


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