So, I have created a wiki page:

Please go there and mark classes public/private as necessary. As it says at the top of that page, if you disagree with someone, change it to "dispute" or D for short. Then it becomes an opportunity for some healthy argument!

On with the asbestos underwear everyone...


Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Upayavira wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Or more simpler, and we already talked about this, what about tagging the source files themselves to be able to produce javadocs of a restricted set of classes, i.e. those that are considered public API and that people can safely rely on.

There you go! +1

So how do we decide what is internal, what is external? The discussion is likely to be "fun".

Let's start small - let's mark as public, external classes only those where we have consensus, and leave "questionable" classes out, have a discussion on them later.

We could have a wiki page containing all classes, and mark the ones on that wiki page that we want to be public. Then a script could add the necessary javadoc markup.

Wiki page, where each java class can be marked as one of:
  public / private / dispute / not-marked-yet.

If that approach sounds okay, I'd happily volunteer to write the script to add the markup, assuming it is a simple enough markup.

Sounds good


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