Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
So please choose one proposal below:

[ ] ""  (colon, not CSS-friendly because of IE)
[ ] "" (double period)
[ ] "" (trailing period)
[ ] "" (underscore, requires to forbid it as the beginning of widget names)

Sorry for stepping in very late, but to me all of these solutions look
rather ugly. If I only have the choice between the four from above, I
would go for the underscore solution.

But why can't we just use "bar-input" and forbid to use id's that end
with "-input"? Or forbid the use of '-'?

Oh please, go read the threads.

We cannot forbid "-" in widget names, as it's used in too much occasions. And the problem is not only "-input" but also "-cal", "-help", "-toolbar", "-combobox", "-resize-handle" or "-whatever" will come out from advanced stylings.

So we need a *general* rule for all generated IDs that ensures no one will ever conflict with widget names. We then structurally avoid and problem in the future, whatever mapping people invent between a widget and its HTML rendering.

Also, if you read the thread, you will notice that this notation is almost transparent to _user_ (not styling writers) as the use of these generated IDs will mostly be restricted to plug additional behaviour to inputs and in that case they can use form.inputs[''] which is totally independent from the naming rule used.

The other case where these IDs may be used is for CSS rules, but I consider that this will be very unfrequent as most often, CSS class selectors will be used to style a whole family of widgets rather than individual ones, for which they can use a specific class anyway. And even for an individual widget, it's IMO better to define an additional CSS class rather than using the full ID, as it decouples class rules from widget names.

My initial proposal, using ':' was IMO the cleanest, but some issues were raised with the way this character has to be escaped in CSS rules with IE. Even if, again, I think CSS class selectors will be used much more often than CSS ID selectors.


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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