2005/11/23, Sylvain Wallez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antonio Fiol Bonnín wrote:
> >>> - Remove author tags
> >>>
> >> +1, but who does it? Do we want to split the blocks among ourselves, or
> >> does anyone have enough time to do it all?
> >>
> >
> > This looks quite simple. Tedious but simple. If someone could explain
> > exactly what to do (private e-mail is OK), it would be a way for me to
> > make a first "code" contribution to cocoon.
> >
> > However, I would only be able to create a patch, that some committer
> > would have to commit. Is that OK?
> >
> IMO it would be better to contribute a script that automates this process.
> That would avoid both a giant patch and some potential merge problems if
> the code changes while you're removing the tags.
> My 0.02 euros...
> Sylvain

You're right...

If what we need is removing all @author tags in all javadoc on all
.java files, and it is easily done (in an ant script):

<replaceregexp byline="true">
  <regexp pattern="\*([EMAIL PROTECTED])"/>
  <substitution expression="*"/>
  <fileset dir="." includes="**/*.java"  />

This can't possibly be what we need, as anyone would have done it
faster than me, but anyway, here it goes.


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