Giacomo Pati wrote:
On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Right. And the simplest and most consistent step to go forward is IMO to just use what's already there, providing a nice bridge to a rock-solid container used by thousands of people.

If you mean Spring as the "rock-solid container used by thousands of people" than tell me why are you using a Mac while "ten-thousands of people use a IBM ThinkPad" ;-)

A very interesting comparison: Apple is currently moving to Intel CPUs!! Why so? Because PowerPC is a dead end for their market, as IBM makes no effort to produce good laptop CPUs. So Apple changes the engine, without changing what's unique to them.

This is exactly the same for Cocoon: Avalon is dead, and we all agree on this. So what's the point of adding dependency injection features to Avalon? It's like adding Intel instructions to a PowerPC to prepare migration. That's nonsense: you end up with a clumsy solution that smells like a DI container but is not, and provides a mix of injection, lifecycle interfaces and service lookup. Furthermore, it doesn't really encourage people to move away from Avalon as its features are still available to all components.

That's what I'm against this change to ECM: just as Apple has setup a bridge (Rosetta) to allow PowerPC and Intel code to run on the same hardware, let's have this bridge in Cocoon too. Want to use legacy components? Use ECM. Want to use dependency injection? Use Spring. Or Pico. Or Hivemind. The bridge can host whatever container manager you want, even if we should promote only one.

From a user point of view, I'll be happy to see soon PowerBooks as powerful as ThinkPads. But there's actually much more to this switch: it won't take long before wine is ported to the Mac, so that we can use some applications that, like it or not, only exist on Windows. Yes: the comfort of the Mac, with is "deviant" compared to the vast majority of PCs out there, but the ability to suck Windoze applications when it makes sense.

This is the same with Spring: this is not only a DI container, but a lot of additional services to build applications. And also a lot of people that know it.

The Cocoon project, in its current state, really doesn't need yet another specific extension to its obsolete container architecture, that less than an handful of people will understand and be able to maintain. We need to move away from Avalon, so let's do it in a way that can bring in more people and use an engine that's known outside of cocoon-dev.

I can understand Carsten as we've talked about it recently and we share some common reservation about Spring (as Carsten has already expressed). Maybe Carsten regrets having written that Spring bridge or the motivation to write it was a business or marketing need not a conceptual evolution.

I asked Carsten why he doesn't want to use the bridge that _he_ wrote, and would love to have his answer. Carsten?

So, after your veto to the change Cartsten has proposed the only way for him is to write another bridge that suits his needs. This is what I was calling ECM+++.

Admittedly I do not know how this bridging to Spring is done at all and I cannot say whether or not a migration from one CM to another will be possible to smooth this migration so that one day we can deprecate the usage of Avalon components.

Have a look at the "spring-app" block.


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies           
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director