Looks good!

I will restructure the cocoon-blocks-fw projects so that it contains sub projects, then we can move the Schema files and configuration model beans, so that we share a common implementation.

I will also create a block based sample webapp, so that it is easier to see how the blocks framework is used.

I think the details about configurations and directory structure is better to start to discuss when we start to integrate our work. It is worth mentioning though that the sitemap element of the block configuration will be replaced with a servlet element or maybe even a servlets element:

 <servlet class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.SitemapServlet">
   // SitemapServlet specific configuration
     // ...

As we, (as discussed in the NG threads) want to be able to use other controllers than the sitemap as top level controller in Cocoon it would IMO be a bad idea to hardwire the blocks framework to the concept of sitemaps.


Reinhard Poetz wrote:

As mentioned in a mail a couple of days ago, I've started to work on the block deployment mechanism. This forced me to think a lot about how I (and hopefully others) want to develop Cocoon 2.2 applications.

I wrote two tutorials that guide a developer step by step through the process of

 - creating a block[1] and
 - creating a web application that uses blocks[2].

At the time of writing this, the functionality described in both documents has only been implemented partly. Nevertheless I publish them at this early stage in order to get feedback from you to make the first contact with Cocoon 2.2 as simple as possible.

This should also give everybody the chance of getting involved without
having to dig into the code (though I would be more than pleased if somebody does).

I have also committed the IDE and build tool independant block deployer[3] and a skeleton for the block deployer mojos[4] that will wrap the general block deployer.

[1] http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/documentation/g2/796.html
[2] http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/documentation/g2/797.html
[3] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/whiteboard/deployer/
[4] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/whiteboard/deployer-maven-plugin/