Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Agree about not using Castor for the blocks framework. On the same time it would be better to have a common model, but I don't know how to best achieve that.

Yes, I was also thinking about this. The best (or even better) alternative istXMLBeans but that's also far from being light-weight. ... and JAXB20 requires Java5.

And maybe there is so little in common for the needs in the blocks fw and the deployer so that it isn't worthwhile.

Yes, I came to this conclusion. AFAIU the blocks framework only needs read access to block.xml and wiring.xml as by design Cocoon should never write into these files. If you want to cut the Avalon dependencies (IIRC you use the ConfigurationBuilder), I would investigate Commons Digester.

But it also comes with a couple of dependencies: commons-beanutils, commons-logging and commons-collections ... especially the commons-logging dependency is worring me ...

Does anybody know of some better alternative?

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

                                       web(log): http://www.poetz.cc