I could be wrong, but it sounds as if user's wil still be "building" cocoon. They won't (or won't have to). Hopefully, after Cocoon is completely building successfully the artifacts will be available in a repository. At that point our download should consist of a script of some sort that allows the user to build their own block with maven and downloads all the dependencies they specify. At least, that is what I am expecting.


Giacomo Pati wrote:

We can define our own artifact types so that there is possibilities to supply archetypes for things like application blocks, component blocks, abstract blocks, whatever and build them in a consistent way (from the users perspective), but package them as we need/like.


   => mvn   # build the package depending on the artifact we
            # want to produce for a certain module (single modules
            # as well as multi module build)

   mvn cocoon:run  # run it (independent whether this is the root or
                   # a single module)


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