Peter Hunsberger wrote:
> On 3/15/06, Upayavira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Personally, the long waiting for this blocks system is having very
>> unfortunate effects on our community. We need to change that. Take the
>> development of blocks off the front stage, and let it happen quietly
>> somewhere until there's something clear for us to see and play with,
>> rather than preventing people from being able to innovate because they
>> can't understand the status of trunk and don't have time/resources to
>> invest in working it out and keeping up.
>> That means that all that are left are those of us that have 'personal
>> spare time'. The rest of us, who do all of our Cocoon work as a part of
>> our livelihoods, can't find time to contribute to Cocoon because we
>> can't justify it - it is just too hard to work out where to contribute.
>> And 'just waiting' is dangerous, as each moment some of our valuable
>> resource wanders away.
> Do that, and nothing other than 2.1 will ever happen.  Getting real
> blocks is a big thing.  It looks like a lot of work, everyone has
> always known that.  Now that there is a little bit of momentum in the
> blocks direction is no time to kill it.

I never said 'kill it'. I said 'move it'. I very much value the blocks
work, but at the same time I think it is stifling the rest of Cocoon.

I would like to see blocks and Cocoon 2.1.X move along in parallel, and
as soon as blocks are sufficiently mature and stable, they merge. The
current state of affairs with a tiny minority working on blocks (however
cool) and nothing else happening is far from healthy.


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