Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> Sylvain Wallez wrote:
>> My ideas, which are progressing slowly because of the lack of time,
>> are really diverging from the current code base. So, if they one day
>> come to life, I doubt they will deserve the name "Cocoon".
> I'm looking forward to hearing from your ideas. I think that the
> architectural changes of Cocoon 3.0 will make it much easier to
> experiment again in a "safe" way.

I'm currently going more on the "full-Java" side of things rather than
the declarative way with XML files. The use of JDK 1.5 annotations
allows for very clean and powerful things examplified by Stripes [1].
For complex forms, Wicket [2] uses the same kind of component model as
CForms, but in a pure Java way, and is very powerful.

All this goes in a direction that's very different from Cocoon, which is
about declarative programming and allows people that don't master Java
to do great things.

My current project has *no* XML configuration file: I wrote a small
library to do sitemap-like URL matching and request dispatching, we use
PicoContainer, pure servlets, Velocity and Wicket. There's no need for
complex or multi-format presentation and therefore no need for pipelines

I guess the no-XML approach is a kind of overreaction to the all-XML
that I've used for years, and that truth lies somewhere in the middle.
It does work well, though...

That being said, I'm more than happy to see the architecture of Cocoon
evolving towards a less monolithic way based on servlets. This is one of
the key changes that can allow Cocoon (or parts of it) to be integrated
into other environments.

Keep up the good work!



Sylvain Wallez -

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