On 15.08.2006 16:52, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

If they are not willing to run a newer version of Websphere (with full
vendor support) that fixes 100s of know bugs then why would they
suddenly want to run some new version of Cocoon?

That's a good point.

This is indeed a very good point. And I agree to a certain extent. But there is still the minor difference that upgrading Cocoon is one webapp, upgrading the server means all webapps in that server.

And now we are talking about the Java version. This means you have to upgrade all applications on that server. Or run different Java version on one machine.

What I mean the impact of upgrading Cocoon is much lower than the Java one. And the other way around ... Cocoon would enforce that impact just for some developer goodies.

That's why I like the Spring approach so much. You can use it the standard way, but they provide the possibility to use the new features (e.g. transactional behaviour described in XML or via annotations).

I think Cocoon 2.2 can move to Java 1.5 this year as long as Cocoon 2.1 is not EOL-ed ("End Of Life") for 1-2 years to give companies which are dragging their feet two more years of supported Cocoon 2.1 releases.

What does "supported" mean here? Just fixing critical bugs like memory looks? Or doing real development? There were ideas already one year ago to stop development on 2.1 completely, so I don't think the above has any chance.


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