Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
hepabolu skrev:

Thien did it again. He created a great new version of the "blocks" masthead and redesigned the rest of the homepage.


I don't want to bias you, but I like it a lot. ;-)


Bye, Helma
It looks great!

But it takes a little bit to much screen real estate IMHO. It is a little bit higher than our current look and nearly twice as high as the masthead and top menu for Spring framework. Would it be possible to rescale it so that it takes a little bit less space?

could be worth a try

Also the "getting ..." boxes dominates the page a little bit to much for my taste (at least on my screen), they look quite heavy compared to the blue fade out in the mast head. Would it be possible to make them less visually heavy?

I like these boxes as they are. IMO they should be the eye catcher number one of the homepage. I wouldn't change them.

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

                                       web(log): http://www.poetz.cc

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