
On 7 Feb 2007, at 07:13, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

I really doubt that most of the code for final releases (or rc) is
tested better than what we currently have in trunk. We do releases for
2.1.x without real tests for most of the code base. We rely on user
experience/tests. The version from trunk is used by several of us
already in production, several people have tried it out and it seems
that most of the problems have been fixed. So I really think that this
qualifies for an RC release.

Not wishing to spread FUD and rain on the parade, but ... I think 2.2 is *massively* less tested than 2.1.x. The main reason 2.1.x goes out with not much testing is because it's been used in production by a very large number of people. How many are actually using 2.2 in production right now? Carsten, Daniel, Giacomo, Reinhard ... I guess at most < 10 sites?

I'd love to see 2.2 out the door and more people using it, but I'd also hate to see people's first experience of 2.2 be a buggy one.

Given that we're still seeing changes enough to kill Cruisecontrol, I'd suggest an 'M' is more suitable than an 'RC'.

And yes, I'm putting my money where my mouth is and trying to use 2.2 to build a site ;-)


Andrew Savory, Managing Director, Luminas Limited
Tel: +44 (0)870 741 6658  Fax: +44 (0)700 598 1135
Web: http://www.luminas.co.uk/
Sourcesense: http://www.sourcesense.com/

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