Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> You are missing a point. It's not about a bug free version. It is about a 
> version which seen more than like 4 hours of testing after major surgery.
Sorry, but that's not fair. There were no code or api changes to the
core in the last weeks (apart from bug fixes). There were some
structural changes and continued work on the servlet-fw, but that is not
part of the things we want to release as rcs.

>> In addition, there is no guarantee that releasing a milestone will bring
>> us more users testing, more documentation etc. And I personally doubt
>> that people will start trying a milestone release.
> Counterpoint:
> They are not even trying, they are using it in production. It is a bit 
> different 
> for 2.2 though: there were no "real" downloadable release yet, so there is 
> really no easy way to download 2.2 and give it a spin on existing 2.1 project.
> High entry point would hamper wider adoption of 2.2, not the label on its 
> release.

> When there is a consensus in the community that version is ready for RC or 
> Final 
> release. Given the responses so far, you already can see that to reach 
> consensus 
> we'd have to:
>    * have some more testing done (not 4h or 1d as now),
>    * have unit tests working,
>    * have CC working and not failing over,
Unit tests work.

> Do you mean to say you can't stop doing major refactoring and start polishing 
> unless it bears RC badge? What happened to good old-fashioned discipline and 
> self control? :)
"self control?" - what's that? :)

I meant that marking something RC has more or less the same effect as a
code freeze. So it "prevents" from changing and should streamline all
effort into getting that thing out of the door.

Anyways, I'm a little bit clueless how to continue. Some of us say,
let's call it RC, some say no as "things are missing". Now, I will ask
the open question right away: who will work on the missing parts?

Carsten Ziegeler

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