Daniel Fagerstrom skrev:
Daniel Fagerstrom skrev:
I would like o.a.c.environment.[Request|Response|Session] to extend javax.servlet.http.Http[ServletRequest|ServletResponse|Session] respectively.
So I will implement my proposal with Alfred's deprecation scheme in the beginning of next week.

I have commited the changes to the trunk. Everything compiles (removed the cocoon artifacts in them maven rep first) and all tests runs (except ZipSourceTestCase which is unrelated to this change). I tested a couple of samples as well and they still works. But I modified a lot of code so I would be surprised if I didn't miss anything. Please report if there are any problems.

For the actual changes I followed Alfred's proposal. A small thing that I missed concerning possibly incompatible changes is the former method:

org.apache.cocoon.environment.Cookie Response.createCookie(String name, String value);

Which I replaced with:

  javax.servlet.http.Cookie createCookie(String name, String value);
   * @deprecated use [EMAIL PROTECTED] #createCookie(String, String)} instead.
org.apache.cocoon.environment.Cookie createCocoonCookie(String name, String value);

But thinking about it having a factory method for javax.servlet.http.Cookie seem quite pointless, we should probably just deprecate the factory method and recomend them to use the constructor instead:

* @deprecated use <code>new [EMAIL PROTECTED] javax.servlet.http.Cookie(String, String)}</code> instead.
org.apache.cocoon.environment.Cookie createCocoonCookie(String name, String value);


For all the javax.servlet.http methods that wasn't part of our environment instructions I added methods that throws UnsupportedOperationException to the AbstractRequest, AbstractRespose and the AbstractSession classes. We can implement these methods later if people need them.

For the back incompatibilities in the rest of the code I switched most uses of Session to HttpSession and most uses of org.apache.cocoon.environment.Cookie to javax.servlet.http.Cookie. In the few cases where it would have affected the api of the classes I downcasted getSession() to Session respectively used getCocoonCookie instead.

I haven't fixed 2.1 yet. As I haven't worked on 2.1 for years I would happy if someone volunteered to do it. Otherwise I'll fix it in a few days when we are certain that the trunk works.

I saw that trunk/commons/status.xml hasn't been touched for nearly a year. Should I document the change there or do we have some new place for documenting changes in the trunk?

Do we have some special area in the 2.2 documentation for upgrade how to?


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