Daniel Fagerstrom skrev:
I would like o.a.c.environment.[Request|Response|Session] to extend javax.servlet.http.Http[ServletRequest|ServletResponse|Session] respectively.
I don't want this to collide with releasing 2.2, so I'll wait with introducing the changes if there is any risk for that.

* +1 votes from Reinhard, Grzegorz, Jorg and me

* +1 votes for doing it in C2.2 with a detailed proposal about how to handle deprecation (http://marc.info/?l=xml-cocoon-dev&m=118651217532624&w=2) from Alfred and Vadim

* +1 votes for doing it in C2.3 from Felix and Joerg

It is not completely obvious what to do from this. But given that we handle deprecation according to Alfred's proposal, 6 persons voted for my original proposal of doing the changes in 2.2 (given that it is not interfering with the release) and no one voted against it. As no one has volunteered to do the release until mid September, it will not interfere with the release.

So I will implement my proposal with Alfred's deprecation scheme in the beginning of next week.


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