Carsten Ziegeler <cziegeler <at>> writes:

> Ah, great, yes bean map has been added later - I'll document it in the
> next days.

Carsten, when I recommended the bean map today [1] I wondered how it actually
works. The documentation talks about jar drop-in [2] which does not seem to be
the full truth. Please correct me if I'm wrong ...

The BeanMap looks for all beans of a particular type. Therefore the beans needs
to be registered in the application context. So far so good, but here I think
the drop-in fails. Even if the jar includes the configuration the bean does not
get added automatically to the application context. Only the other parts of
Cocoon Spring configurator enable this functionality. (If that's correct this
should better be added to the BeanMap documentation.) Which class exactly does
this? And how much stuff is hard-coded in it? You don't want to have paths like
/META-INF/cocoon/spring when using Cocoon Spring configurator independently from
Cocoon. It's probably not that hard to change but we should do it before
propagating it :)



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