Leszek Gawron skrev:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Leszek Gawron skrev:
Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Leszek Gawron pisze:
I remember that I have read that discussion and I agree that there was no clear consensus.

I also remember that there were several folks expressing their opinion that jx should as far from imperative programming language as possible. I second that opinion so I'm quite concerned with your
example. It is a programming language.
XSLT lives without such constructs so could you give us a use case for this one?
We should leave the behaviour of JXTG exactly as is. The template framework (yes it actually is designed to be a framework even if we haven't used this) makes it easy to create a new template language. So if you don't like the way JXTG is designed you should design a new template language that has an own generator and an own namespace.

Who did you address this statement to? Me or Grzegorz?

Thing is last refactorings introduced backward incompatibilities. I tried to upgrade to next internal release and my webapp went nuts. By saying "we should leave the behaviour as is" you mean we should keep those incompatible changes?
No I mean that we should keep the behaviour that we have in 2.1.x for JXTG.

We had a discussion about what to have in a new CTemplate language, see http://marc.info/?l=xml-cocoon-dev&m=110942299719102&w=2. Maybe it is time to review if the ideas there still holds and then continue the work on creating a CTemplate language.

Do you bookmark these? I never seem to be able to find the right thread to reference and you're always shootings with URLs. :)
No I tend to remember what I have written and then I search for my name in marc.info, and browse backwards until I find the thread.


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